At, we place great importance on safeguarding your privacy and only handle personal information with the utmost care. Our Privacy Policy details the type of information we collect when you visit our website, and how we utilize, disclose, and safeguard this information. By using our website, you are agreeing to comply with the practices outlined in this document.

a. When you visit our webpage, we collect personal information from you, including your contact details and any other information you share with us while using our services or communicating with us.

b. By leveraging cookies and other tracking technologies, we are able to collect additional information such as the device you use, demographic data, and cookies. This data can then be utilized for analysis and improving the overall user experience.

We utilize your personal data to fulfill your needs, reserve arrangements, and handle transactions so that we can provide the services you have requested from us.
d. Improving the Website: The collection of data is vital for analyzing website trends, updating content, and improving the user‘s navigation experience.
e. Correspondence: With your consent, we can utilize the email address you provide us to send you relevant information, updates, and marketing material. You always have the option to unsubscribe and stop receiving these communications at any time.
f. Legal obligations may arise that require direct disclosure of data, based on official requests made by authorized organizations.

Data Transmission:

We take special care to protect your personal information and never share, lend, or sell it to outside companies. In some cases, we may work with trusted partners to provide services to you, but they are required to keep your information confidential and only use it for the purpose of assisting us.

To protect your personal information, we have implemented necessary measures. However, it is important to acknowledge that no online system for storing or transferring data can guarantee complete security.

Other Resources:

The hyperlinks on our website lead to external websites. As we have no authority over the content or security measures of these websites, we cannot be held responsible. We highly recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these websites prior to providing any personal information. In the event that your child has previously shared personal information with us, kindly reach out to us through the contact form.
Changes to this Page:
This page may be regularly updated to reflect any revisions to our policies or for other necessary reasons such as legal, operational, or regulatory requirements. These updates will be effective immediately upon being published on this page.

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